Great Swell
1. Double Open Diapason 16’  19. Lieblich Bourdon 16’
2. Bourdon 16’  20. Open Diapason 8’
3. Open Diapason I 8’  21. Lieblich Gedackt 8’
4. Open Diapason II 8’  22. Salcional 8’
5. Hohlflute 8’  23. Principal 4’
6. Principal 4’  24. Piccolo 2’
7. Twelfth 2 2/3’  25. Hautboy 8’
8. Fifteenth 2’  26. Trumpet 8’
9. Mixture III 27. Clarion 4’
10. Double Trumpet 16’  
11. Trumpet 8’ Pedal
12. Clarion 4’ 28. Double Open Wood 32’
  29. Open Diapason 16’(wood)
Choir 30. Violone 16’
13. Claribel Flute 8’ 31. Bourdon 16’
14. Dulciana 8’ 32. Octave 8’
15. Viola da Gamba 8’ 33. Bass Flute 8’
16. Flute Harmonique 4’ 34. Trombone 16’ (from 11)
17. Piccolo Harmonique 2’  
18. Corno di Bassetto 8’  
Italic font: Willis (1891) Non-Italic: Henry Willis & Sons Ltd. (2015)
Sub- and octave couplers on Swell  
Tremulant on Swell CC-g3
Great to pedals Balanced swell pedal
Swell to pedals 4 composition pedals to Great and Pedal
Choir to pedals 3 composition pedals to Swell and Pedal
Swell to great  
Swell to choir  

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